
Viewing 31 - 40 out of 42 posts


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What Causes Heartburn?

What your gastroenterologist in Houston wants you to know about heartburn Most people have felt heartburn occasionally after eating spicy or acidic foods, but if you are feeling heartburn frequently and Read More

The Dangers Of Abdominal Pain

Find out if your abdominal symptoms could be indicative of a more serious health issue. There are so many causes of abdominal pain and while many of them aren’t serious, there Read More

Having a Specialist Can Make the Difference You Need

How your Houston, TX gastroenterologist can protect your health Your body is complicated, with many different systems contributing to your health. It can be difficult for your general practitioner to cover Read More

End Your Heartburn Pain

If you live in the Houston, TX area and you are suffering from heartburn, you are probably seeking treatment options to end your heartburn pain. Consider contacting a qualified gastroenterologist Read More

The Importance of Colon Cancer Screenings

Are you getting a colon cancer screening routinely? If not, it might be the time you started. Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer for both men and women in Read More

Understanding the colonoscopy test

A colonoscopy can show a doctor many things that may be going on in your belly. This procedure can detect the reasons behind bloody stools or stomach pain, and even Read More

What are the Major Causes of Abdominal Pain?

Find out what could be causing your stomach pain and cramping. Whether you are experiencing a minor ache, a cramping sensation or sharp pain, experiencing abdominal pain is nothing to scoff Read More

FAQs About Heartburn

Have a burning question about heartburn? The most common concerns are addressed here. Although heartburn is an extremely common condition, affecting at least 60 million Americans at least once a month, Read More

Finding Full Relief For Your Lactose Intolerance

Lactose and Tolerance Relief Feeling abdominal pain that leaves you queasy and uneasy is something many Americans face from time to time. But could your stomach pains be coming from something Read More

Preparing For Your Colon Cancer Screening

According to the American Cancer Society, most people should begin routine colon cancer screening at the age of 50, if not earlier. Therefore, if you are nearing 50, now is Read More

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